What are scientific translations?

Scientific translations are those that aim to translate sciences and natural sciences (as opposed to the social sciences) from the source language to other languages.

High caliber specialized translations

They encompass a wide range of scientific fields, such as mathematics (algebraic and geometric studies), chemistry, physics, biology (natural sciences), neurosciences and all the other areas of medicine (health sciences), etc. These types of translations of scientific texts and essays of various fields are also translated: Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Developmental Biology, Human Genetics, Evolutionary Genetics, Botany, Zoology, and Microbiology, among others.

Sharing international knowledge

The translations of scientific essays, university theses in the sciences, the translation of manual and clinical literature, or the translation of scientific documents in general allow specialists of every field to understand, learn, improve and perfect their knowledge of the subject area as they become better professionals, all thanks to these articles which are rarely published in Spanish. On the other hand, it also allows them to show the world their discoveries, essays, tests or experiments so that everyone can benefit from the work and contribute towards the advance of science. 

Scientific knowledge without language barriers

The translations carried out by 9h05 Inc. for the science sector are of a high level and require a high level skill.  They can rely on the translators’ knowledge of the scientific disciplines as well as relying on specialist consultants. With the translation, localization and globalization of the scientific world, 9h05 Inc. opens you the doors to international knowledge, removing all language barriers.

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